Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Words of Wisdom

Last night I was able to attend a homeschooling meeting. Our group heard from two mothers. One mother was a mother of four girls and one a mother of four boys. I sat across from each of them as they poured out their hearts, experiences, mistakes, and suggestions. One mother brought with her a list of words of wisdom that her boys had compiled. I was touched as I read the following words of these young men.

* Don't expect your kids to have a good attitude if you don't have one.

* Stop asking why your kids misbehave . . . just deal with the problem with consequences.

* Never beg your kids to do something you really want them to do, because begging makes it an option.

* Boys don't jump to please/obey someone they don't respect. Great leaders/parents earn the respect of the people under them, not just order them around.

* Mom's can't raise boys to become men, only a man can do that

* Fuel your kid's interest, but don't get pushy

* Correct with a pleasant attitude

* Smile

* Set goals and accomplish them, not just set goals

* Stick to a plan, any plan will do

* Laugh more

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