Monday, June 29, 2009

Dirty Hive

I wouldn't tell you how old my dear husband turns today. But, I will tell you that it rhymes with dirty hive. Like that, Honey? Hee hee hee.

Yes, June 29th is Scott's birthday. We have already celebrated in a major way. For starters, we went back to the beach this past Friday. Mom and Annette were still there and allowed us to come back. It is about a three hour trip for us. Boy, was it worth it! I absolutely love the beach. Growing up, we would go each summer. I found comfort in being there. Whatever was going on in my life, it was always there and I would soon return to it. I enjoy the beach all the more now, with my own little family. There is no greater joy than watching my family by the sea and the sand.

This morning, we treated Scott to one of his favorites, homemade biscuits and then it was present time. The kids and I had gone shopping for him and the kids were very anxious to give him the gifts they had bought him with their money. He was so surprised with the Barnes and Noble gift card, the new Indigo Girls CD, new shoes and a green iPod nano. Yes, we spoil our live-in hero.

Tonight we will all dress our finest and go out to eat in honor of Scott. It should be a sweet night out followed by cupcakes.

So, happy birthday to my absolute favorite person in this world. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be his wife and letting me experience love at first sight with this amazing guy thirteen years ago. I am so very thankful for a family man that loves and adores me like no other.

Celebrating you, Scott . . .


Anonymous said...

happy birthday Scott. I too am super grateful for you. I'll have a beer in your name this evening. Cheers! Here's to a good man who makes a good friend.
Thinking of you on your birthday(since Anna's post kindly reminded me you had one),

Anonymous said...

Great family photos by the beach!
Blessings, Brooke

The Presnell's said...

Happy Birthday to Scott! ;) I will be dirty poo this November. :) I kind of like this rhyming thing, although....hmmm... my rhyme doesn't sound that cute. I'll think of another one then. I love the beach, I would love to spend a whole summer there!!