Friday, December 19, 2008

10 Years

Scott and I are celebrating our 10th Wedding Anniversary today! Hooray for love! I am so thankful for what we have. What we share is so pure. We remain determined to love each other and give our all to this marriage and our family.

10 Reasons I love being married to Scott Allen Morrison

He is devoted to me.
He knows I am not a morning person and loves me anyways.
He is an amazing and playful Daddy.
He cares about me.
He makes me laugh and can always make me smile.
He takes care of himself.
He cherishes me.
He likes to watch movies with me.
He wants to be home.
He is a really great dancer. :)


Chrystal said...

Happy Anniversary! It seems like just yesterday we were in Kimberly Drive #13 working on wedding plans! :) Glad you two have had a nice time alone.

Jen said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! Have a cherished weekend.

laurie said...

Cheers to 10 more, and more, and more, and more.....

The Presnell's said...

Wow Anna! Happy Anniversary! We reached our 10 year anniversary this year too, but ours was for dating. :) We have been married for almost 5, so...We're getting there. Congrats girl! These days, especially with the celebrities of the world, 10 years is considered a lifetime. Here's to another 10 years and 50 more to that. :)

FreeK said...

Congratulations! Every good and perfect gift comes from God, you are blessed!

Unknown said...

Yay!!! Congratulations, dear friends. You are so precious to us. We are blessed by you and your love for each other. Happy Anniversary!