Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More Christmas Photos

Jerry reading to the kids on Christmas Eve.

Kalen opening his stocking stuffed from Grandpa and Nana.

Scott and Jerry cleaning up after a meal.

Here is Nana reading The Night Before Christmas to her grandchildren.

Scott made us all French Toast on Christmas morning.

Life is good.

Here we are at Sally's mother's house in Walnut Cove.  We exchanged gifts and visited for a bit with my Dad, Sally, Ms. Fowler and my stepbrother Scott.

Papa and Mimi gifted Julian with Nintendo DS for Christmas.  :)

My Dad with Brayden.

Here we are back at Jan and Jerry's house.  We shared a birthday cake made in honor of Jesus.

I am so proud of these two photos.  My Dad and Sally gave Madelyn this pony ranch made by Playmobil that she had been wanting.  It came in this huge box.  It had tons and tons of pieces and had to be built.  When we got home from our travels, Scott spent quite a chunk of time putting it all together.  He did a fabulous job and Maddie is so thankful for her new toy.

1 comment:

TS said...

Great pictures, thanks for sharing. I think Julian has had a growth spurt recently. He is going to be so tall.

love you