Friday, July 17, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance

A fun fact about Scott and I is that we both love to watch dancing. Our interest in dance has been heightened by the television show called So You Think You Can Dance. The show is an amazing portrayal of the journey of a dancer. We have been swept in, each Wednesday and Thursday night, as girls and guys give their all and dance their hearts out. The dancers' stories have led us to tears. The dancers have to learn new routines each week by very talented choreographers and danced with an assigned partner. These choreographers tell amazing stories with their pieces that truly can move, change and inspire the viewers. I could go on and on about the episodes we have watched, instead I will share a couple of my favorite routines from this season.

The following routine was danced by Kupono and Kayla. The choreographer Mia Micheals was depicting an addict with her addiction. Kayla is the addict and Kupono is a very convincing and dark addiction. It is intense and amazing. Please take a moment to enjoy this. I am confident it will move you.

This next clip was danced by Brandon and Janette. It is a crazy number that is quite humorous. The dancers are acting like robbers. Brandon is the more skilled and planned out one, Janette is the whimsical thief that needs leading. Enjoy this fun, energetic and brilliant routine.


Kallie said...

You too! I love that show. I always joke that it is my summer fling with the tv. I have been watching it for the past 3 summers. If you haven't seen it, you should youtube another Mia Micheals piece called The Bench. It is one of my favorites.

Laura said...

us too! we love that show. didn't get to see it last nite to see who got voted off. i love the creativity of all the different types of dances. really brilliant. who are you pulling for? i think ade might take it.