Saturday, July 11, 2009


Many times this week, I have thought I was going to see my sweet Jesus. I have had a terrible time with my stomach, and it is very unlike me to have to deal with this type of pain. I have tried to roll with the punches as much as possible but have collapsed with fear and become a complete mess at times as well. With tears streaming down my face, my hero of a husband has held me and given me that "we can do this" look.

On any other given week for me, I take for granted how healthy I am. Day to day, I just go and do and totally disregard how well my body works to enable me to accomplish all that I want and need to do. This week as I have been off my feet a lot, I have really thought about all that goes into our days here at home. Looking at what it takes to keep a household running has been quite overwhelming. I have had to let Scott do for me. He has been so willing. I have watched him fix meals, run and play with the kids, go grocery shopping, clean up, take the kids to the pool and do all the things I normally do for our family. I have felt cheated as I have watched him serve me. Oh how I love my job! How often, as mothers, do we say this? It is hard to utter at times. This week I can say it with passion, because I have sincerely missed it.

I am feeling a little better. I am hopeful that this soon shall pass. This week has challenged me to be thankful for good health. Hopefully, I will be well soon and able to run and do as normal.

Lord, thank you for the way you choose to grow me. As I have been scared and anxious, you have held me in those moments and given me strength. You know me and love me. I am thankful for the body you have given me. I want to take care of it and be ever grateful for the vessel you have entrusted me with.

I am thankful that my family can count on me for things. I am needed and that feels good. Thank you for the amazing task of being a mother, a wife, and a keeper of our home. So many times I get bogged down with mundane tasks. I am learning that you want me to savor even those moments. The life you have blessed me with is good and sweet. I am so grateful. I need you, Lord. I need your love and faithfulness. Keep me cradled in your love. Amen


Mama Teaching 3 said...

Bless your heart! I am happy to hear that you are on the mend. I too, am blessed with a husband who adores me and tends to me, and children who tend to me because of his example. :) The month after my surgery was very hard and they were my heros. :)

Laura said...

oh hang in there. its neat that you are open to the lessons you are learning in the sickness. thanks for the reminder of being thankful for health.

Chrystal said...

Oh my, Anna, I had no idea you had been so sick! I'll be praying for complete healing this week and that you are up and back to your routine very soon. Love you!