Monday, August 31, 2009

A Doozy and Hope

You know when the day starts with one child telling you that he wet the bed last night and an hour later a child throws up all over the bathroom (including the walls) . . . it is going to be a doozy. Sure enough, I have put out more fires today than my local firefighters (no disrespect intended), cleaned up throw up, dealt with bad attitudes, and fought my own way through my raging hormones. I feel as though I have been a super hero of sorts, leaping from one disaster to the next.

It happens. These days come and go and I eagerly greet the next brand new day full of it's own challenges and possibilities. As a mom, I have grown in my hopefulness. Even through the fussiness of my three year old, resistance from a child growing up, sicknesses, bad attitudes, meltdowns, disobedience, and my own personal weaknesses- there is hope.

I hope that my momentary challenges, those defining moments, will strengthen me and my children. I hope that my responses to my children's childishness can build them up and guide them instead of tearing them down. I put hope in the love that Scott and I have, hoping that it would be a canopy of comfort for the children that we adore. I hope that the conversations that we have here at home about loving one another and serving one another will take life in relationships between our children and people in our family and community. I hope in the Lord and his strength, the strength that pulls me out of my selfishness and weaknesses. I hope that the sun will shine again this week after such a gray and misty day. I could go on and on. There is hope.

Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.


Laura said...

love your honesty. its so hard to push through days like you had. isn't it great to grow into maturity enough to recognize that one bad day doesn't mean you have a bad life? a good reminder of that for me. thanks.

TS said...

I love when you post these types of posts. It reminds me that I am not alone in our struggle to raise our children. Thanks for the pep talk!