Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A New Hangout

Our city has a new skatepark. We have taken the boys and they love it. It just might become a new hangout for the Morrison crew.

Allowing our children to try something out that involves risks is very appealing to me. I want them to be experimental. It was very natural for our family to go out to this park yesterday afternoon, amongst all the big guys, and try this thing out. I packed my camera, some 365 sodas, a snack, my sunglasses, two skateboards, lots of knee, elbow and hand pads and some extra mommy courage.

My boys learned how to watch out for other skaters, see what they were capable of, and how repetition can be quite a learning opportunity. Did they bust? Sure. Were they devastated? No. They got up and tried again. I looked into Julian's eyes after it had been forty-five minutes or so and I asked him if he was ready to go. He told me, "No, not at all. I want to do a lot more stuff!"

They are already asking to go back. We definitely will. Today, Scott found some skateboarding helmets at the thrift store that are really nice. I am sure those will make the boys' experience all the more exciting.

I have few pictures and a lot of clips of the boys. None of the clips are long. I'm a proud Mom of some really cool skater guys.


Jennifer said...

Awesome. I bet that did take some extra courage for mom. What a great place. Looks like the boys are learning fast. Can't wait to see it all in person! love, Jen

Matt Parker said...

how fun. isn't it hard to let boys be boys sometimes? i hear ya on that, but love that you did just that . . . what a cool place to go get some exercise. you are a great mom, friend. keep it up.love you guys, L (sorry i think i am signed in as matt . . .)

Anonymous said...

Wow Julian and Kalen! Awesome riding. What a great park. Nice video work Anna.