Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy To Report

Scott turned in his comprehensive exam. Whew! That was 6 weeks of intense research and writing. We are so proud of him. Last night we fixed him one of his favorite dinners, put streamers, banners and signs up and spent some quality time with our hero.

He (we) will wait up to six weeks for his exam to be graded. In the meantime, he has student teachers that he advises, assists a class taught within the education program at UNC and will begin brainstorming for his dissertation proposal. Oh yes and he has five presentations tomorrow in Greensboro. He is such an important and busy guy.

As I have mentioned before, Scott wears all of his hats extremely well. I am so thankful for him, so proud.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Congratulations Scott! What a relief. That's awesome man. You inspire me. And, you give me good reason to drink a beer. My glass is raised to you tonight!
May I add hearty and genuine praise to Anna and the kids for all the patience, endurance, grace, charity, encouragement, and support they tossed Scott's way? Cool. I can't wait to see yall soon,