Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

Our first day back with serious structure went well. I had a lot planned and actually got through almost all of it. The kids were sweet and attentive. I am so thankful. It is nice to be present, playful and involved. I might type up a run through of our day. It is crazy how it all fits together. Here are some random moments captured.
Scott took this little photo of me and the kids before he left at 8 am.

Kalen hard at work as he practices his printing.

Maddie took this picture of Brayden and his tower as she watched him while I was helping Kalen.

These two little silly guys were eating raisins as I read with them.

Brayden at lunch.

Sweet, calm, and diligent Madelyn

Julian sitting with a book as supper was being prepped. Such a cool guy. He did fantastic today.

Brayden and Madelyn helped me make cornbread tonight. We read a book with Five In A Row that is called Down, Down the Mountain. In this very old childrens book, the people eat cornbread with honey drizzled on top. So, we decided to try it out with our supper. It was yummy!


Sybille said...

What a nice first school day!

Anonymous said...

We used all the Five in a Row volumes too when the boys were younger! Such fun books, activities and memories. Looks like you're all off to a great start! ~B

Laura said...

fun. we started yesterday too. i resorted today to let the two little ones watch sesame street while i worked on phonics with kelty! sooo challenging with the little people, isn't it? but fun, i know we will get into a groove eventually. love seeing what yall are doing! love, L

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Cornbread and honey...YUM!

Yay for a wonderful first day.

laurie said...

yay!! i'm so glad it was smooth and manageable for you. i'm sure you were tired but full of thankfulness to a good start! Love ya-