Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another Home Visit

We've been jumping through the various hoops necessary to slowly complete the licensing process of becoming foster parents. Our licensing social worker came by today and we had a delightful and informative time together. She even spoke to our kids. She asked them several things pertaining to fostering a child. Scott and I were in the next room enjoying the sweet and candidness of our children's responses.

We still have several things left to be done in order for this all to become official, but we are getting there. I have learned that this process takes time and that that is okay. The thoroughness that is required is for good reason.

Within the next 180 days, we will be licensed foster parents and have a certified foster home. Then after we are licensed, we will be available for the Department of Social Services to call us. They would call us if they had a child under the age of three (that is the age restriction we gave) that would be suited for our home. They would give us all the information they know about the child. Then we would be given the choice to accept the opportunity or say no. Depending on what is going on in our lives, we could say yes and the child would be immediately brought to our home or we could say no and wait for another opportunity. We will continue to think about the needs, commitments, and desires of our family and try to make wise decisions based on those.

I won't lie to you, we have experienced doubts within the past few weeks. Scott and I have had to ask ourselves some really hard questions. Our willingness to step up to this challenge is breathtaking at times. With those doubts we experience, there is still the desire to provide a child a home and to welcome him or her into what we have here. Hope is still very much alive as we slowly step closer to the possibility of fostering a child someday down the road.

I just wanted to give an update of where we were in the process. I welcome any comments or inquiries. I will keep you all posted. :)


Brooke said...

Anna, I love that you keep us posted on this fostering process.
I am getting a glimpse of something I've never been exposed to from your neat and honest perspective.

laurie said...

I'm so thankful for your family's willingness to give a home to a little one in need. Precious. Needed. Sacrificial. Hopeful. Being the hands and feet.

FreeK said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. I didn't realize you could set an age limit. Do you have to provide the child there own room? Will having a child under three mean they can stay at home with you during the day or will they go to child care? I think your willingness to provide a home for a needy child is taking care of orphans just like God tells us to do. You have encouraged me to think about how we can care for orphans in our family. I'm looking forward to seeing how this all works out for you. I'm certain God will use it for good in your life and in the lives of the children you meet.