Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jesus Wants to Save Christians

I just finished a book by Rob Bell and Doc Golden. I am very familiar with Bell's style of writing from his other books Velvet Elvis and Sex God. I really enjoy his interpretations and simplicity. This book is entitled Jesus Wants to Save Christians. Yet again I have been pushed to a place that makes me uncomfortable, broken and inspired. I can't recommend this book enough. It is easy to read and it will change your life. I found a comment on Amazon that said this about the book - bearing a message evangelicals need: that Jesus didn't come just to save people for heaven someday but to transform his followers and the physical world now. Rob Bell truly tries to help us see the world through Jesus's eyes. I know that sounds corny, but I am interested in that. Totally.

I would like to share so much more from this book, but here is just one excerpt that spoke loudly to me.

When you give unconditionally, you will be reminded of the God who gives unconditionally.
When you extend grace to others in their oppression, you are reminded of the grace extended to you in yours.

(later Bell writes)
Our standing in solidarity with the single parent, the unemployed, the refugee, our joining the God of the oppressed to work for justice in the world, doesn't just make a difference for those who are suffering.
It rescues us.

Disconnection from the suffering of the world, isolation from the cry of the oppressed, indifference to the poverty around us will always lead to despair.
We were made for so much more.

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