Sunday, September 14, 2008

Caterpillars and Other Friends

This weekend Kalen found these caterpillars out on our parsley.  We think they are Black Swallowtail caterpillars.  Julian got out our butterfly house and we all helped put these six little critters in.  We have been watching them and feeding them.  So, you all know what we'll be studying in  Science this week.  :)

We have had a lot of neighbors come over and play daily.  The kids love it and it can be so refreshing.  We really enjoy living in a neighborhood.  We are experiencing a true sense of community with these children and their parents.

Our friend Bradley brought over his two girls to play today.  Lily is three and Juliet is one.  Madelyn was sweet with Juliet.  She wanted to hold her and play with her continually.  

The boys were trying to identify the caterpillars

Our neighbor, Desmond playing with Maddie

Madelyn, Lily and Kalen having a tea party

This is Juliet

Mads, JJ and Karina, another neighbor

1 comment:

Jules said...

Are you sure they aren't monarch caterpillars? We did those a few years ago (eggs to butterflies!), and they looked a lot like that. Guess we'll find out, huh? :)