Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today, I watched as my daughter put all of her energy and concentration into something.  With drive and confidence she attempted to get from one side of the monkey bars to the other.  I tell you, this was a huge deal to her and I was thankful to be a witness.  As I watched her swing from one bar to the next, she had her eyes focused and nothing was going to come in the way of her succeeding.  Her determination was beautiful.  I loved seeing that side of Maddie.  I am so thankful that she wasn't scared, she just went for it.  She didn't ask for help.  She didn't draw a crowd to watch.  She just did it.  

She totally made it across!  She gazed down at me with an amazing light in her eyes.  Her face was full of confidence and delight.  She jumped down and ran to me for a high five and a hug.  I praised her efforts and I was so thankful I was present.  

Being present in our kid's lives can be intense.  Riding the roller coaster of emotions, ups and downs, can be quite a challenge.  However, when our children know that we delight in them and their accomplishments and want to share moments like Maddie and I shared today . . . there is comfort and joy.  I saw that in Maddie's eyes today.  So often I feel guilty.  I feel like I am spread so thin and I don't know what the quality of my love (expressed) is for my children.  Does that make sense?  I want to have my children's hearts and be aware of their desires, passions and goals.  I want to be there to watch them have these amazing moments like Maddie had today.  I want to be the first to give them a hug or a "Way to go!"  I want to be present.  I want to embrace parenting daily.  It can be so hard sometimes, but I am determined.


laurie said...

Way to go Maddie!!!! We are proud of you too.

Owen, Griffin, and Tate

Jen said...

You are such a great mom!!