Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Invasion

I had noticed for some time now that we had some little moths that liked to visit our pantry.  They kept multiplying and I became aware that we had a problem.  Knowing that I needed to get them out of the closet, I removed all food from within and started swatting at them.  As I removed the food and such from within, I started seeing little caterpillars and eggs.  Yes, I freaked out.  Luckily, I had started this process at the beginning of Brayden's nap and the others were in the midst of rest time.  I had a huge project ahead of me.  I went through all the food and containers.  My stomach was turning this way and that as I removed these critters from our home.  I will spare you the details, but it was gross.  We weren't left with much.  

I got online and googled our problem and found a bunch of info.  Indeed, I did have to get rid of all we had.  Scott bought me some mason jars and we went and got a little food to store in those.  Thankfully, it has encouraged me to eat more produce and store things in the fridge or in the garage on our shelves. 

This is all that was left.  


Jennifer said...

That sux, but I love your idea of the mason jars, I have several very large jars that I need to put pasta and beans in and set on the counter. Hope you killed them all :)

TS said...

Whoa - So it all came from a moth? That really stinks!

Jennifer said...

Bummer. What trouble. O well, a fresh start was forced on you. The pantry looks nice and shiny!


Kallie said...

Yikes! You are a brave woman to take on that task-to me, that sounds like something off of fear factor.