Friday, January 29, 2010

A Reminder

On my challenging days, it is often hard to remember to simply smile. Some days I would like to put this sticky note on my kids' foreheads. I know the expression on my face communicates a lot to them. Is it warm, inviting, and loving or is it cold, disconnected or mean?

Now, I do believe that I should be honest with our kids if I am sad or angry. They need to know that those feelings are okay, too. I definitely don't want them to think the world or I am perfect, free of hurt or suffering. As I think about the need to smile more, I am referring to the moments that I am able and choose not to.

I remember some time ago, my grandma telling me that the best gift I could ever give to my children was to allow my face to light up with a smile when they walk into the room. Today, this is my challenge. May my children know that I delight in them, even on my fussy days. Want to join me?

1 comment:

Mama Teaching 3 said...

I will SO join you in that challenge!