Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Say Yes

Scott has the kids this morning and I am sitting here, restfully, taking in the last few days we have shared here at home. We have started this new year with many aspirations. Our licensing process for becoming a potential foster family is coming along. We have begun talking about expanding our garden and maybe even adding some animal life to our family. We have rooted around in our drawers and taken many unused clothing items to Goodwill. We have been playing outside despite the cold (as evidence from the picture above of Kalen and Brady outside when it was the mere 28 degrees yesterday). These are all good things and dreaming sure is fun.

A theme runs through my mind as I think about the activities that went on during our day yesterday. When my kids wanted to go outside in the freezing cold to jump on the trampoline in the middle of our homeschooling morning, I said yes. It worked. The fire inspector actually came right when they were all bundled up and I was allowed to just do what I needed to do with him (this is part of being a licensed foster home). When the kids came back in, they were so delightful and truly got some energy out. Saying yes is sometimes so difficult for me to do. I want to control things. When the kids asked me if they could go out in the woods to play (knowing that it was going to be muddy), I said yes. That was not easy. I knew as soon as they were to return, I would have to drop whatever I was doing to wipe and shake down each kid. This was doable though. I just had to be available and willing.

Last night, Scott returned from working and the kids all corralled around him, shouting out all the big highlights of their day. Patiently, Scott listened and then it came time for him to chat with me. This takes a bit of effort with four children. I suggested that the kids go upstairs to play until supper was ready. They happily skipped upstairs. Scott and I were able to talk uninterrupted as I heard lots of squeals of excitement and pitter-patter of little feet upstairs. Not long after that, Maddie came down and told me she wanted to show me something. They had made a wall of pillows upstairs in the hallway. It was quite cute. We had dinner and the kids wanted to go right back up to their pillow wall. They gathered all the loose blankets upstairs and draped them over the enormous pile of pillows. Soon, I was asked by Kalen and Brayden if they could sleep there. I hesitated and then told them yes. It didn't hurt a thing to say yes. They actually fell asleep. How fun is that?

It is so easy to say no. No to messes. No to childishness. No to inconvenience. This year, I am challenging myself to say YES more. Will you join me?


Unknown said...


TS said...

You are such an awesome mom. Thank you for reminding me to say "yes" more.

love you

Anonymous said...

What a great post! Yes, I think I will join you in this endeavor, even with having teenagers!


The Presnell's said...

That is so sweet. I am usually not a yes kind of mom, because of the messes that come along with that. Maybe I will try to do a little more of that. :)

Anonymous said...

i love this post. and totally what i need to be reminded of. thanks, friend. Laura

Kallie said...

One of my favorite blogs at has been talking about the same thing is a year of yes and she says "Yes will mean a mess, but the mess may be perfect." If you haven't visited her site, you should check it out- I think you would really enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

WHOOO HOOO! Raise those hands in the air girl, I feel some freedom commin' on...freedom to be out of control, maybe?! Right beside you- thanks for sharing your heart,
ps- a little note is in my mailmans jeep with your name on it today!

Chrystal said...

This post has been ringing loud in my head for a few days . . . definitely a challenge I needed to read. I am not a yes kind of mama when messes are involved, but I'm a work in progress for sure!