Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Preparing For Our Garden

Saturday, our family went out to a couple of stores to buy seeds for our cool weather garden.  We are starting earlier with our planning this year.  We bought a couple of seed starting trays and I planted seeds for lettuce, Brussels sprouts, parsley, oregano, and dill.  We'll nurture these seeds inside for awhile and hopefully transplant them in the coming months.  We bought several other seeds that we will just plant in the ground when the appropriate time comes.  Those vegetables actually do better when planted directly into the ground; such as spinach, swiss chard, turnips and many others. 

I am so excited this year about gardening.  Maybe because I don't have a baby and I feel like I can give myself more to it.  Maybe it is that the Kruidenier family continues to inspire me daily.  My thumb isn't very green, but I hope to read up, work hard, and learn from experience.  Growing our own food is such a sweet thing and so meaningful.  

We all got our hands dirty on Sunday as we turned over the soil in our garden area.  The kids got right in there with us.  Of course, when they started finding worms, their mission changed.  After hoeing up much of the garden, I sat up on the back deck and planted our seeds.  All the while, Scott was continuing to weed and turn the soil over with his pitch fork.  I love being outside with my family in our backyard.  

If you were wondering, our horse poop is still sitting right where it was plopped.  It has a few more weeks to sit there before we can till it in.  


none said...

Oooh, I love to hear about other people's gardning experiences, so please keep us updated as to how green your family's thumbs are. Unfortunatly, I have the worlds brownest thumb. My own husband will not let me touch any of the plants in our house, for fear of my killing them. I love plants, I just can't touch them or they die...how sad.

I never realized how much sooner you can begin gardning in southern climates. We still have 3 ft of snow up here. (please keep posting pics of the nice weather you have, it gives us hope for spring soon.)

Sounds like you all had fun and probably learned a lot. Looks like the kid's into it as much as you.

TS said...

So jealous of you right now. I remember preparing seeds for my garden before I left home. Daddy even built me a greenhouse. I could spend hours out there. He ended up putting in a light for me.

Thanks for your pep talk today. Love you!

Jennifer said...

You are a step ahead of me, but I have been reading up and researching what I want to do this year. I went to the library and checked out some garden books to look at trellis designs. One of my new things I want to try is beans but i have to trellis them I think. I also checked out a book about growing a garden in pots and thought out by the pool instead of planting decorative plants, I want to plant veggies. Im in that, if it is not going to give me food back I dont want it! I want to also plant a new fruit tree as well. I am excited, I may have to check in with you on some new things I want to try.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey! The seed trays look great. It'll be fun to see all the new little lives bursting up soon.

To Jennifer above: if you don't find a trellis you can use there are "bush beans" that are wonderful and very productive. The major difference between pole and bush beans is that pole beans are indeterminate (producing all season and growing for a longer period) whereas bush beans, because of breeding I think, are determinate and so only produce for a period. But you still get plenty. Just a thought.