Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sweatin' Hot Days

Madelyn has this saying when she is hot, she says, "I am sweatin' hot."  Indeed she was this weekend.  We all were.  It was a warm one and we packed a lot in.  

We caved and let the kids play in the sprinkler.  

We went to the Carrboro Farmer's Market early on Saturday morning.  Jules and Kalen like picking out a cucumber to munch on.  

Madelyn used some of her money to buy a piece of vegan carrot cake and some marigolds for the garden.  

At the farmer's market they were giving tomato plants to kids that day.  We were delighted to walk away with four free plants.  The kids enjoyed picking them out and helping plant them later that afternoon.  We also picked up some addition tomato plants, including some patio cherry tomato plants.  

Scott, Kalen and Brayden hanging out while watching Julian's soccer game.  Notice Kalen and Brayden in their own jerseys.  

Here's an action shot of Julian playing defense.  

Brady helped make our pancakes this morning.  

I'm not sure what this was about, but I thought it was worth posting.  

These are my attempt to recreate something I saw at Lowe's.  They had these buckets full of veggie plants and herbs.  They were beautiful.  I used buckets we already had and filled them with potting soil and planted various herb and pepper seeds in them for our back deck.  Two of the containers have the two patio cherry plants from the farmer's market in them. I used herbs like oregano, parsley,  and dill.  I also planted some pepper seeds in a couple of the containers.  These seeds were some that Julian saved from our pepper harvest last year, like jalapeno, red and green.  I am excited to see how these do.  

Our garden to date.  We have planted a lot more since I last posted about it.  We put in over a dozen tomato plants along with eggplant, peppers, zinnias, and ocra.  

I cut up these garden beauties (red leaf lettuce and radishes) for our salad tonight.  They tasted so good!  


none said...

Your garden is looking great. We are just getting nice enough weather to start with ours so it's kinda neat to see yours quite a bit farther than ours. We're planning on planting next weekend. Just finally got rid of all our snow.

Anonymous said...

that garden is a beauty. It looks great.

Hey, I think I know what Brayden was doing with the paper bag. He's clearly a radical making a protest against the excesses of our culture. He's practicing what he preaches. He's showing all that meaning is not found in materiality but in one's commitment to simple living and devotion to one's calling. He's obviously been reading something like Merton or other Christian monastics. Buddhism? The Stoics? Diogenese?

Or maybe he's avant garde? Life as Art? Title: "Cooking in the Nude".

Or maybe it's an artistic critique of the commodification of everything. What better way to express the "use" of humans than to imagine them packaged and ready to order in a grocery bag! Bold, direct, and clear.

Ok, I don't know. A bit of over-interpretation just for fun.

Miss you all,

FreeK said...

Everything looks great! Mitch is planting a garden this year, he has also set up rain barrels for us this year. We are going green slowly! Madison is a very "green" city. Our garden is small and our growing season is much shorter than NC. I hope you plan on canning all of those tomatoes, you will be set through the winter. What fun!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Your garden is really doing well! :) We put ours in so late this year and I hope it does well. We found a baby corn plant, kale, and okra peeping out from the soil today. :)