Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Enjoying Duke Gardens

We visited Duke Gardens today. It is such a peaceful and refreshing place. I see ourselves going there more often. There are lots of wide open spaces, ducks, gorgeous plants, squirrels, birds, trails and paths, and tons of huge trees. The kids really come alive.

Julian, Madelyn, Kalen and Brayden all enjoyed going to see the ducks first. I think I have mentioned before that they have many different kinds of unique ducks there.

I brought us a little picnic supper, because today Scott had his night class. Picnics are always a thrill for the kids. Brayden was especially delighted to sit and eat his sandwich while watching the squirrels scramble and jump around.

I loved watching the kids play tag and run till their cheeks were red. It started getting quite chilly and Kalen had to go potty, so we headed for the van. On the way back Kalen learned not to touch a cactus. Yes, they have cacti there and of course, my curious Kalen would find it and experiment with it. He was fine after I removed the pointy thing and he had a good scream and cry.

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