Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Little Artists

I gave them each red, blue, and green paint.  They produced four totally different masterpieces. 
Children are so unique.  

I remember during my student teaching, the Kindergarden teacher had made a painting with a house, grass, and a sunshine.  The children were free to paint during center time, but they had to paint what the teacher had modeled.  

Children need freedom to express themselves.  If they color outside the lines, it is okay.  If they make a big blob in the middle of their paper, it is okay.  Experimenting is how they learn.  Let us not limit them.  Realizing that they can create something, all their own, gives them confidence.  


Unknown said...

beautiful work! I completely agree that children need freedom to express their inner-creative selves!!:) It's amazing what they'll come up with!
One time we asked them to look at a picture (relics of Jesus) and paint it from their perspective - to be used in our worship/prayer time. I love what they came up with. I'll have to post their work.

Kristen said...

These look beautiful! I love how each one of these pieces echo a bit of what you have said about their personality. I am inspired to do this right now!!

Gretchen said...

As an elementary school teacher, it makes me sad that students were so limited during center time. Techniques and skills can be taught, but kids should have the freedom to test them out in their own unique way. I remember loving the paint/easel center in kindergarten as a child. This makes me want to get out the paints for ME! :)

Anonymous said...

In my classroom I have always thought if a parent has to say, "Hey, what is this?" then I have done things the right way. It is the process not the product, right?