Thursday, July 31, 2008


Our transition has gone pretty well.  I was amazed the first night after I tucked Brayden in his new bed.  He and his new roommate, Kalen, just stayed quiet as mice and went right to sleep.I was expecting more drama.  The next morning at 6:55 am, they tip toed into our room with grins on their faces.  

Since then, Brayden has realized his new found freedom.  Last night was difficult for him as he was trying to settle down and sleep.  He wanted to get up and play.  Of course, it didn't help that Kalen was talking to him all the while.  Kalen fell asleep first and I think that made Brayden realize that this was for real.  I heard them this morning at 6:45 am in their room.  I went in there and tried to shush them.  Remember, I am not a morning person.  I ended up just surrendering to the moment and escorted them downstairs so the rest of the family could continue sleeping. 

Julian seems to be enjoying his own room.  He was able to get a new comforter with dinosaurs on it.  He has his own bookshelf full of books, CD player and such.  We made the clothes swap yesterday.  This was quite an effort, but it is done.  We have a lot more organizing and personalizing to do within both of the boy's rooms.  I am happy that we were able to get some free mattresses at the perfect time and start all this.  

Might I add what an amazing gift it has been this week to have Scott home more.  He has been so helpful.  This is his first week of not teaching summer session classes at UNC.  He will start back on August 19th with his course work and being a teaching assistant.  Until then, he has a book review and several other things he can be working on.  The great thing is, nothing is pressing on him and he can spend more time at home within the next few weeks.   He cracks me up, he has always got to be doing something.  He is ultra productive.  Yesterday, he took most of our paperback chapter books and put book binding tape on the side.  He spent the entire morning doing this.  He is such a worker and I am so thankful for him.


The Presnell's said...

That's so great! You kiddos are growing so fast! Little Brayden is so cute! They all are really.

TS said...

Lookin good! That Scottie is such a good helper!

Gretchen said...

I love Julian's quilt!