Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shopping for Our School

We went to the homeschool consignment store in Raleigh.  I had prepared a list of items that we needed for the coming year.  Needless to say, from the pictures, we were very successful.  For two hours, we went through stacks of books and resources.  We were in good company.  There were several other families there searching for materials as well.

Almost as soon as we got in the door, the kids headed for the dining room table.  They wanted to start their new books or use some new learning tools.  They were so cute!  Scott and I just beamed as we witnessed our children's true love of learning being displayed so sweetly.  Their eagerness is what I would love to be able to stimulate and encourage each and every day.  

I am very hopeful and excited about our homeschool.  We have some really cool things going on.  I will write more on this later.

Here is Kalen with his Kindergarten book.  He is beginning to work on his numbers more.

We found a great resource for our reader.  Julian fell in love with comprehension guide for Swiss Family Robinson.  Basically, he reads the book and all along the way he answers questions and does activities with the content.  

Madelyn is pictured here with her telling time dry erase cards.  


Jennifer said...

Wow, homeschool consignment shop? Is it open all the time? I'd love to shop there when we visit! I love shopping for school books too. Looks like we are using some of the same curriculum.

laurie said...

What a great day with great finds! Looks like you guys are set for school.. That's awesome!

TS said...

Didn't realize Julian was left handed. Neat! Looks like you guys are on track.