Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday, Julian!

Nine years ago, today, our lives changed for the better.  Julian Jeremiah was born.  We are so thankful for his life.  It is hard to believe this little guy is halfway to 18.  Oh my!

Here are 9 things about Julian you should know and that I love . . .

Julian enjoys the ocean and all the life within it.

He is very witty and creative.

He loves to read.

He enjoys veggies and is a healthy eater.

Julian enjoys nature and creatures.

He has beautiful blue eyes and such a sweet nose with freckles on top.

Julian is a hard worker. 

He loves to create things with LEGOS.

He is curious and adventurous. 


The Presnell's said...

Happy Birthday Julian!! I love the pics! He's such a handsome "old" man. :) Wow Anna, you have a 9 year old!! WHOAH!! I still feel like we graduated from HS a little time ago... Try 13 years ago!

TS said...

I just can't believe he is NINE! I remember when he was born. I remember visiting you with Laurie and Gari when you were pregnant with him. YIKES...

Happy Birthday Julian.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, sweet boy!!!! Wow, it is truly hard to believe that you are NINE years old....already. I was just looking through pictures of you this week, as a baby. I remember holding you and loving you so much, immediately. We have a sweet picture of your daddy and Gavin holding you - only a few months old.
You are loved and prayed for daily. I just hate it is from a distance...