I am reading a book by Rob Bell entitled Sex God. Don't be offended by the title, it is an excellent book about exploring the endless connections between sexuality and spirituality. It is really challenging and moving me. I want to share an excerpt or two.
~We're addictive creatures. We try things, we experiment, we explore, and certain things hook us. They get their tentacles in us, and we can't get away from them. What started out as freedom can quickly become slavery. Often freedom is seen as the ability to do whatever you want. But freedom isn't being able to have whatever we crave. Freedom is going without whatever we crave and being fine with it.~
Later he writes . . . ~Whatever it is that has its hooks in you, you will never be free from it until you find something you want more. It's not about getting rid of desire. It's about giving ourselves to bigger and better and more powerful desires.
What are you channeling your energies into?
Because they will go somewhere.
If they don't go into a few, select, disciplined pursuits that you are passionate about and are willing to give your life to, then they'll dissipate into all sorts of urges and cravings that won't even begin to bring the joy that the "one thing" could.~
Later he writes . . . ~Life is not about toning down and repressing your God-given life force. It's about channeling it and focusing it and turning it loose on something beautiful. Something pure and true and good, something that connects you with God, with others, with the world.
What do you want more?
For King & Country Concert
4 months ago
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