~James 3:18 says, “The seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” I desire that there be a harvest of righteousness in and through my life as big and expansive as the poppy fields of my memory. This verse would indicate that righteousness is sown by peacemakers. Jesus communicated to His disciples in Matthew 5: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.” Jesus himself, gave His life so that we might have peace with God. His whole being is focused on redeeming, buying back that which was lost, bringing life where there is death.
I am most like Him when I, too, become a peacemaker, a redeemer, bringing peace where there was hostility, life where there is death. But the reason I so like the verse in James is that it brings us a picture of what we must do to bring this harvest of righteousness about–we must sow the seeds of righteousness, seed by seed, so that our harvest will be plentiful. We must sow seeds daily—weekly–for our whole lives, that there will be remnants of His beauty, peace, redemption, everywhere we go, every day that we live. If we sow peace and not anger in our home, there will be a legacy of peace. If we sow anger, a legacy of anger and death. It is a choice we make, every day, every hour, as to what we are sowing and what we will reap.~
*This was on Sally Clarkson's Blog. She is a homeschooling Mom I look up to.
For King & Country Concert
4 months ago
Thank you sweet friend for that reminder! It makes me think of the phrase, "You may be the only Jesus people ever meet, how will they remember Him?Pretty convicting~
I am actually studying James right now, so this really reached me and enhanced my reading and understanding of the message in this particular verse. Thanks Anna!
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