Tonight is one of those nights that I could post about so many things on my mind, such as conversations with a dear friend that I had today, the book I am reading by Rob Bell, the lack of handbook with homeschooling, being proud of Scott having his last day of his first semester today, and all that went on, just today, for the kids and I. I choose to share some moments from our day.
Brayden is really growing up and involved with all sorts of play during the day. Today, as I was coming out of my bathroom, I was greeted by Brayden's concerned face. I look down and see Madelyn's yellow tutu around one of his ankles. I think the look of concern (he is not talking much yet) meant, "Can you make this do what it is suppose to do." So, I will share a photo of this priceless moment.
Moms, you all know that time of day when your husbands are not yet home, supper is being cooked and the kids are searching for the few things they have not done that day. It can sometimes be a time of chaos, right? Somedays, I just allow the kids to play around and then settle them down with books, creating a quiet tone, just before Scott arrives. Somedays, I choose to do something special. Today, being a rather cold day, I thought it would be neat to have some hot chocolate. Kalen pulled the stool over and helped me make a pot full of homemade hot cocoa. We gathered the others and we sat down at the table to enjoy our treat. As I was sitting, I noticed a beautiful sunset and told the kids to come with me to look at it. I forgot about Brayden remaining at the table. As I was casually taking a photo and going on and on about this gorgeous sight, I hear Kalen grasping for words to describe the sight he saw. Brayden had poured out Kalen's cup of hot cocoa. (Brady is at that dumping/emptying out stage.) As Kalen was about to cry over the spilled drink, I assured him that I would give him mine, and I began to remove the little wet rat from the scene. I went and changed the little guy and came back to the mess. The picture wasn't pretty. Our carpet had multiple patches of chocolate and it just seemed to be impossible to get the stain out. I looked over at Kalen, sipping the rest of my cup of cocoa, and he said, "Thank you, mommy for making this hot chocolate." Man, did that hit the spot. Also, as I was on my hands and knees cleaning up, little Brayden came and gave me a "zerbert" (term from the Cosby Show) on my back. What a clown.
Tonight, we took the kids to get some items of clothing that were needed. We had a gift card and a coupon for Kohl's and we felt good about using them tonight. We were successful in finding something for everyone but Kalen. Kalen tends not to get new things because his hand-me-downs are usually good for him. Scott and I decided that he did need some pants. Our littlest ones were about to expire and we knew we had to get out of there before it was too late. Just before we were leaving the parking lot, Scott gave each of the kids their items. The smile on Kalen's face was so sweet. He looked at those pants and said, "Daddy, got me these pants." Worth every penny.
Always and Forever My Baby You'll Be...
8 years ago
Your little guys are just adorable!!! :-)
Sounds like good times at the Morrison's!
Resolve work well with light colored carpet. Trust me I know.
WOW! What a sunset!! I can relate to that dumping stage . . . I've cleaned crushed cheerios up off the floor 3 days in a row as Savannah's leared how to open ziplocs now.
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