Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Rainy Weekend

Rainy weekends are good for a lot of things.  One advantage for me is always reorganizing.  I took on the chore of going through the kid's clothes this weekend.  As the seasons change, moms and dads have to change out the kid's clothes to match the new season approaching.  

This always gives us an opportunity to give away clothes and items we no longer need.  I have big Tupperware containers that have each of the boys specific sizes in.  For example, I have a bin for 5 year olds that aren't being used.  So, I was able to put away the 3 yr old clothes Kalen just finished using and tuck them away for Brayden to use next year.  Refolding the clothes that the kids will be using is a refreshing feeling.   I came across a bin of 2 year old clothes that I didn't know about.  That was nice.  

Kalen, my little wardrobe modifier, loved getting in on the action yesterday and today.  At one point today, Kalen and Brayden were both going through bins and trying things on.  My little photographer/reporter, Madelyn, was on the job with the camera.  She totally initiated the photo opportunity.  I didn't think it was all that exciting.  As I looked around at the kid's faces, that were full of glee, I soon knew that this was indeed special.  Maddie's pictures show their excitement.  

The kids really enjoyed a weekend of play.  I breathed deep several times throughout the weekend as the kids would run after each other from room to room just playing.  They imagined they were the characters of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, horses in a race, and then there was the train play as they got out all three clothes hampers. (Miraculously, the hampers were empty.  That doesn't happen often.)  Of course, there were moments when someone would get thrown off someone else and there were tears and/or screaming.  It's going to happen right?  All in all, they proved that they could really get along well and use their imaginations.  

Last night, as I folded all the clothes that were in those hampers, Scott and I watched the Carolina game.  That was fun.  Thankfully, the Tarheels are headed to the Final Four!  Go Heels!  Scott says that this is the first time he truly has something invested in these NCAA games.  

The best advantage to all this rain is the watering of the earth and our precious garden.  We bought some new vegetables and herbs to plant.  We picked up some yellow onions, peppers, more tomato plants, parsley, and chives.  Our lettuce, broccoli, collard greens and chard are doing very well.  When we get another warm day, we will put the new stuff in the ground and/or in containers.  We are loving the fact that soon we will be harvesting our own produce.   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds great, Anna! I do the same thing with the tupperware containers - more like crates!! This is the first year I've given something away. Our friends, Sammi and Renne had a little girl a month ago, Flannary Agnus (they have a 5yr. old girl, Ellie and 3 yr old boy, Patrick). Anyway, she didn't have any clothes so I'm giving her all of Elle's clothes that she's outgrown.

I love giving stuff away, you know that, but I had to have a moment with myself as I was giving away these clothes I've held onto (thankfully so) for six years now!! It was a moment:) and then I was SO happy to bless little Flannary with these clothes!!

Anyway...I thought you might understand - it's so silly I wouldn't normally share that story..

yay! for rainy days!

I love you.