Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Field Day

Remember field day?  I have very fond memories; kick ball, sack races, three-legged race, bean bag toss, ah . . . happy times.  Yesterday, our homeschool group had an end of the school year picnic and field day.  My kids were very excited.  There were plenty of events for all ages.  Our group had about sixty kids involved.  Julian, Kalen, Madelyn and Brayden absolutely loved the whole concept of having a day to just race and play.  Here are a few pictures with some mommy commentary.
In the middle of this picture, you can see our Kalen in the red shorts.  This was the foot race.  

Brady enjoyed playing with the parachute.  

Here is Kalen doing the tricycle race.  He got 1st place for this one.  :)

This is a super cute photo of Brayden (first in line and in the orange shirt).  Obviously, they were involved in tug-of-war here.  Brayden and Kalen's team got a blue ribbon for this one.  The kids were 3, 4, 5 & 6 yrs. old.  I was really impressed at their strength.  Super cute.

Madelyn and Julian did the three-legged race together.

Kalen here with his buddy, Isaiah.  They raced together in the three-legged race as well.

This picture is absolutely precious!  This is Whittington and our Brayden.  They did the three-legged race and it was so cute!  I am sure they both thought I was nuts when I began tying them up to each other.  I was so proud of them.  I have to say a little about Brady's outfit.  Ten minutes earlier, he had an accident on the playground and wet his pants.  He had told me he needed to go, but Mommy's do forget.  Note to self, don't keep talking to your mommy friends when your three year old says he needs to go potty.  Sure enough he did have to go and couldn't wait a minute longer.  I scooped him up and we found some spare pants in the van and did a switcharoo.    

Kalen and Isaiah got first place in the balloon toss.  They had a crowd of about thirty or more people around them watching them.  Their tosses were so graceful and they were so focused, the balloon wasn't breaking.  Then, Isaiah looked to the right as Kalen made a toss and SPLASH the balloon toss was over.  

Showing off their ribbons.  They are already awaiting next year's field day.  


Mama Teaching 3 said...

Fun, we missed ours this year, I had surgery that day instead. LOL! All the children look super cute!

Laura said...

so precious! what a fun group you have there. so wish we had something so organized here. love it. :) and happy late mothers day.