Friday, January 9, 2009

Kapla Blocks

Dad and Sally got Kalen (all the kids) a big wooden box full of Kapla Blocks for Christmas.  We had been playing with these really cool blocks at our museum.  Now, every single day, the kids come up with something new to do with the blocks.  The kids love them.  They are all the same size and shape.  It is really neat all the things you can create.

Just yesterday, I asked Julian to create either a cathedral, monastery, or palace out of them.  In history, he has been studying Charlemagne, which means Charles the Great, king of the Franks.  His empire united most of Western Europe for the first time since the Romans.  Anyways, he was responsible for much of the buildings that rose up in that time.  Julian made a really cool cathedral out of the Kapla blocks and our other foam and wooden blocks.  He used his Playmobil guys to look like Charlemagne and his people.  Wish I had a photo to show you.  

Thanks Dad and Sally for this new addition to our homeschool and home.  The kids sure are enjoying them.

Down at the bottom you will find a clip of the tallest ever Morrison tower falling.  

1 comment:

Laura said...

love the blocks! i will need to rememeber that for a future christmas present. loved watching it fall at the end too. glad yall are having creative fun! love, L