Wednesday, January 28, 2009


These are the bright shining faces that greet me each morning.  I am so thankful for each of my children and how they are so unique.  It amazes me sometimes how different children can be.  I think it is so neat how God made us.  Today, I celebrate my children's uniqueness.  

Madelyn is my little dove of peace that flutters about the house filling the air with concern, love and laughter.  She loves caring for her brothers.  She enjoys writing and art.

Julian is my little protector.  With a tender heart, each day he seeks justice.  Nature is never far from his mind.  He loves to occupy his time by reading good books and building things.  Skateboarding is a new hobby for Jules.

Kalen is my lively little teddy bear.  He is a big heart walking around.  His laugh and humor can bring a smile to all the faces in our home.  With enthusiastic diligence he rocks on through each day.  He enjoys nature, cooking, math, and playing games.

Brayden is my little buddy.  Always close by my side, he yearns to be nurtured and cuddled.  He is a passionate little one, capable of knowing what he wants in life.  He enjoys music and art.  He loves books, sports, and animals.

What a blessing it is to live each day with these four beauties.  They are so pure, upbeat, resilient, and fun loving.  

Lord, give me the wisdom to listen.  
Help me to hear their passions and follow intently.  May I enter into their worlds with true interest and involvement.  Help me to connect and cater to their interests.  God you know them.  Continue to spur them on to great things.  May I embrace motherhood knowing that your strength is there to give them all they need and want in life.  Thank you for an amazing husband that desires to be involved in his children's lives.  Thank you for the gift of marriage and family life.  Help us to love one another through our differences.  May we celebrate the uniqueness that you have given each one of us.  Amen.


Laura said...

yes! love your heart and the knowledge you have for each of your kids. its such a good thing to notice and appreciate their differences and celebrate that. i loved this post.

none said...

What a blessing you and your family are. I look forward to reading your posts everyday and I always leave your blog inspired. Thank you for being such a loving mother and wife and thank you for being such a warm hearted Christian woman. You truely are an insperation to those who seek a meaningful relationship with our Lord and Savior.