Monday, January 12, 2009

Some Specifics

Currently my two Science students are drawing and labeling what is underneath our skin.  We started a unit on the Human Body last week.  I teach mostly out of The Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia.  They are so cute down there working together.  I just heard Julian say, "do your best!"  

Kalen is in another room working on a 100 piece puzzle of the characters from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.  I told him I would give him a prize if he finishes the whole thing.  Needless to say, he is super determined.  The whole mystery of a prize is just overwhelming him.  Do I know what the prize is?  No, guess I better come up with something.  Hmm  . . .  chocolate, time playing Game Boy, a candy cane, a balloon?  

Brayden is currently napping.  If you read an earlier post, you'll know that it may mean he'll be partying with us tonight.  He has been quite verbal these days.  This morning, I was fixing to read to him and Kalen on the couch and I had a book with a robot on the cover up first to read.  He pointed to it and said, "I don't like that robot."  I asked, "Why don't you like that robot?"  "It scary," he said.  "Why is it scary?" I asked.  "Because it bite me," he said.  "Bite you?  Where would it bite you?" I asked. "On the shirt," he said.  "Oh, okay, " I said and continued reading the book about Cecil the, very friendly, robot.  

Scott started back today with classes.  This is his last first day of classes, this being his last semester of course work.  The rest of his time at Carolina will be spent writing, teaching, and researching.  He was well prepared walking out the door today.  I am so proud of him.

We went to the Homeschool Gathering Place this past weekend.  Scott and I really enjoyed picking out more materials to use with our kids within our homeschool.  We talked about what an amazing joy and treat it is to pick out the resources that will best cater to our children's bends and interests.  It truly is such a thrill to teach our own kids.  

My Mom called while we were shopping on Saturday.  She and Annette were in Durham and were going to take us out to dinner if we'd let them.  I was so delighted.  I love surprises.  It meant the world to me.  We went out to P.F. Chang's.  We really dig that restaurant.  After the kids went to bed.  They stayed late and chatted.  It felt so good.  Kindness comes to mind again.

Earlier this morning I caught my two youngest guys hard at work.

1 comment:

Laura said...

love seeing the daily life pics! thanks for including these in your posts. love hearing about what you are doing in homeschooling stuff. Question: when J. was in Kinder and you had little ones, how much schooling did you really do? am struggling with how "hard core" to be with kelty with two little ones running around distracting. any thoughts on that? would love any insights. obviously want to take it seriously, but don't want to make it unfun, either.