Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Great Harvest

Being able to step out our back door and pick these gorgeous veggies is such a thrill.  Look at them!  They are so bright and beautiful.  Scott had no idea that we would have tomatoes coming out of your ears in the middle of October.  I am so thankful!

When we harvest this much at one time, we usually cook up a pot of  soup ASAP!  Last night, I made an original No Vegetable Is Safe Soup.  Yes, I totally made that up.  I blended tons of tomatoes, added them to cooked onions and garlic, threw in about seven sliced ocra and eight to ten small chopped leaves of kale.  I added seasoning and ta-dah ~ a healthy homegrown meal!


TS said...

Those are my favorite meals. What ever veggie I can grab it goes in the pot. Dave says, "are you making that goulash again?"

Jennifer said...

Yes! Those veggies look so good. Speaking of using up veggies-remember the Harvest Bowl at Angelicas? We revived it recently for similar reasons. That soup sounds super good.

Jen said...

Amazing harvest so late in the year. Did you guys replant a late garden? We should have planted some greens but didn't get around to it? Oh yes I must tell you that I have Coy back at home. I am SO happy!