Thursday, October 9, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about joy lately. I have had some real lessons in joylessness and such. These lessons have come and gone leaving me with this eagerness to be full of joy and yet not knowing how to truly grab hold of it and keep it. This is not something I have sought after with diligence. I consider it a gift when I find myself experiencing joy.  Most do, I would think.  

Joyful people seem to  . . .

* navigate life with a positive attitude
* have a "this too shall pass" way of thinking
* be spiritual
* recognize the preciousness of the good times
* don't worry obsessively
* learn from experiences that they can survive difficulties
* seek support, knowing everyone has challenges
* enjoy healthy distractions from hard times or situations
* dream
* listen to their heart's desire

With all of this said, I challenge you, as I challenge myself to experience joy today.  Wear it.  Live it. 

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