Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Borrowing A Prayer

Dear Loving Father,

Thank you for reminding my that You are "slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness" (Nehemiam 9:17).  I need Your compassion in my life because no matter how hard I try, I fall short of even my own standards of what I think a godly mother should be.  I don't have all the answers.  I am not always spiritual.  Sometimes I don't feel like trying.  You love me and accept me just the way I am.

Lead me away from depression and dark thoughts about my life and my role as a mother.  Help me to remember that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).  Let me bask in Your everlasting love so that I may bring joy and light to my children.  Let me learn to begin every day anew- forgetting the past failures that lie behind- and reaching forward to what lies ahead- becoming more mature and loving and self-controlled.  Thank You for Your constant support and strength to me in this journey.  I appreciate You and am grateful for Your love toward me.  

In Jesus~

A prayer from the book The Mom Walk by Sally Clarkson

This morning, I have been fussy and downhearted.  I reached for this book, knowing that it has wonderful prayers written throughout it.  I found this one and I read it with my eyes overflowing with tears.  Whether I have PMS or this is just one of those days that we all have, this was an amazing moment of refreshment.  I love how the Lord picks us up when we are weary. 


Anonymous said...

Hey Anna! Believe it or not, I feel your pain! As a kindergarten teacher, it's so easy to get down when I get too snappy with the kids or lose my patience with them--I'm sure it's so much harder as a mommie! Thanks for your honesty and sharing the prayer! I needed to hear that part about no condemnation!

FreeK said...

Do you ever read the girl talk blog? I think it is at If not you can find it on Sovereign Grace Church's website. They are having a good discussion about having faith as a mom and they have a ton of good articles on PMS too. Its fun to learn from a mom who has been where we are. Check it out.