Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Madelyn at Barriskill Dance Theatre School

Madelyn has been attending Barriskill Dance Theatre School.  Her teacher is amazing.  His name is Micheal Barriskill.  He has performed in CATS and other huge productions in New York.  Madelyn and another little girl, Simone, get Mr. Barriskill all to themselves for an hour every Monday.  Maddie enjoys dancing and takes it very seriously.  

This past Monday, the boys and I were able to sit in on her class and I captured some sweet moments of Madelyn practicing her technique.  At the bottom, there is a little clip of her doing her thing.  


hj45uyb4uy45yv3tv3wetfcv5j76 knn7 said...

Its great she is learning to dance...she will become more appreciative of it when she gets older and even if she decides she doesn't like it, it will still serve as a good learning experience. Much Luck!

TS said...

AHHH! This is so stinking CUTE!

Laura said...

how fun!! loved the arm movements! quite graceful. what a fun opportunity to foster her feminine heart! :)

FreeK said...

How precious! My daughter loves ballet too. I took dance until the ninth grade and even though its a skill I don't presently use, it gave me a lot of self confidence. She's a great dancer, how cool to have semi-private lessons.

laurie said...

I just love this video of her. So serious and graceful! A true student of dance. She is so precious Anna, I'm so thankful that you are enjoying these girlie moments with her.

The Presnell's said...

She is just so cute and adoable! I wished I could do things girly like that with Skylar, ahha...I know my hubby won't like that idea. Waaah...

Kathleen Pace said...

What a great dance blog! You capture the passion you have for your children and the passion you have for the art of dance! You are a very inspiring woman. I look forward to following your blog and crossing paths at Barriskill Dance Theatre. I am the new Director of their new Yoga space Studio B wellness. I have a beautiful little girl Amelia age 6 that lights up my world as your children do! We have lots in common.
Kathleen Pace
Director, Studio B Wellness
A division of Barriskill Dance