Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Boone Friends Come to Visit

Oh how we have missed Boone, but even more we missed our friends. We were tickled when we found out that the St. Clair family, from Boone, were coming our way.

Scott, Cameron, Price, Blane and Virginia came in on Monday night. The five older children all slept in sleeping bags in the floor. That was a sight! Virginia and Brayden were tucked away in their pack and plays and the adults were able to catch up a bit.

We are not quite sure how much sleep the children got, but they had a grand time. Tuesday morning, we all had french toast. Scott St. Clair had a commitment nearby that he had to attend and, of course, my Scott had class. So, Cameron, the kids and I stayed home and had a day of play and fellowship. It was wonderful.

We said our goodbyes to our sweet dose of Boone. These are friends that we are determined to continue to remain, somewhat, close to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that sounds wonderful! It's always great to have friends visit. We always love having company ....hint, hint:)