Mishap #1
Last night, as I was getting our smallest two ready for bed, I told Kalen that I was going to change Brayden's diaper and read to him. This meant that I was leaving him to do his bedtime business (i.e. brush teeth, go potty) alone in the bathroom. I was changing Brayden when Kalen enters the room with a comb stuck in his hair. He said nothing, just wore a strange look on his face. I giggled and told him to go show Daddy.
Mishap #2
For years now, Scott and I have told Julian that he sleep walks. He doesn't do it often, but it happens. When we lived in Boone, I think Julian was four or five, he woke around 10pm and came into the living room. Scott wasn't home yet and I was right beside the living room, in the kitchen. I did hear a noise, but I thought it was Scott coming in or the music. I heard another noise and turned to find my son urinating all over his playmobil table. I was livid. If you are not familiar, Playmobil has a ton of small pieces. I put him back to bed, washed and dried tons of pieces, the table, and the castle and didn't think the whole incidence was the slightest bit funny. Scott did of course, when he came home to a fuming wife and this ridiculous story.
LAST NIGHT, after the kids were in bed, I came up the stairs to exercise. I noticed as I came up the stairs that the laundry room light was on and Julian and Kalen's door was cracked. I didn't really think too much about it and went on into their rooms to check on them (as we always do after they are asleep).
This morning as I was changing Brayden for his nap, I asked Scott to go into the laundry room to get me a washcloth. As he entered the laundry room, he snickered and called to see if I had been in the laundry yet. I told him, "Not since yesterday." He came to me and took over with Brayden, sending me to go see whatever he saw in the laundry room. As I entered, I looked down to see an empty laundry basket full of pee! I think I said, "Oh my word" half a dozen times. Julian had woken up and went into the room next to the bathroom, the laundry room, and found a spot to pee, I guess. We showed Julian and he doesn't remember a thing. He doesn't remember peeing all over the Playmobil table either. Isn't that something? I guess with this I have to be thankful that the basket was completely empty and not completely full.
For King & Country Concert
4 months ago
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