I am surrounded by baskets full of laundry and the thoughts of what I should be doing. I really need to put the comforter that I washed today back on the bed . I need to go downstairs and clean/mop the kitchen. I could also vacuum. Lord knows the carpet is so filthy from three days of play and crumbs. I need to make a cake and icing for my dad's birthday cake. We are having family over for a get together here tomorrow. Oh, and then I should reorganize my homeschooling books and papers the kids have worked on this week. Oops, the rugs are still outside. I need to bring those in from shaking them. You know, I noticed at supper that Brayden's booster seat was getting kind of yucky. I ought to wash it down. I really need to call my mother-in-law and check on her. I know she has had a busy week. Wait a minute . . . I am gonna choose to sit here and enjoy the fact that my children are all tucked away and I can have this peaceful moment.
God has blessed me so richly to have so many people and things to tend to. I often lose sight of the blessing. I am a planner and I anticipate so much that sometimes I worry more than I should. All the things that I mentioned above may get done tonight, but more than likely they won't. I may freak out a little in the morning, but that is okay. I know they will get done, because I am a disciplined person.
I want to count my blessings tonight instead of continuing my To-Do List. I wonder which one would be longer.
I thank the Lord that I have five living breathing people in the house to love and be near each day. I am thankful that I have a home that gives us all space to grow, learn and laugh in. I am thankful for a man that is crazy about me and I am falling more for everyday. So thankful that he is a thinker and aspires to be a better person daily. I am grateful for the toothpaste leftovers in the sink that my children have left after a hard day of play and learning. I am thankful that I have music that surrounds me daily and lifts me up when my spirit may be drifting. I adore the sweet voices that call me to just check in and encourage me with stories and an "i love you". I am thankful for the chatter that encircles the dining room table at mealtime, as every child is eager to express themselves in one way or another. I am thankful for my extended family and how we all yearn to be with one another. I am thankful for the way my children come to me when something is wrong. I am thankful that serious Julian allowed himself to make silly faces today. I am thankful for new friends and neighbors. I am grateful for the way we eat and how it makes me feel. I am most thankful for a God whose love is undying. I am in awe of all He has done in my life and continues to do. I am thankful for the Spirit's gentle tugs at my heart each hour of every day. I am amazed and ever grateful for Jesus and what a radical He was. How could I live without His influence on my life? Oh, how he is shaping me to be a better wife and mother.
My, my, how a thankful heart does sweeten the soul.
For King & Country Concert
4 months ago
1 comment:
Hi! I have been reading your blog for several weeks now and have really enjoyed it!!! Your blog is very informative and also very sweet! Your children are adorable and your love for the Lord is inspirational!!! Just wanted you to know... :-)
God bless,
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