Saturday, January 5, 2008

Education by Presence

In Zan Tyler's book, 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child's Potential, she writes:

*Personal presence is also a powerful teaching tool.  Robert Frost, the poet and recipient of four Pulitzer Prizes, was a homeschooling parent.  He believed in "education by presence:  "By 'education by presence,' Frost clearly meant education by example, not education by exhortation.  He meant doing, not merely verbalizing.  He meant showing, not just telling."*

Within the same chapter she writes:

*Jesus always has His eye on us and gives constant direction.  We should make it our goal to emulate Him in the way we teach.  This kind of teaching implies constant companionship, which is the heart and soul of homeschooling.*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow.i didn't know frost was a hs ing parent! way cool! homeschooling exemplifies us to grow & change & keep being spiritually formed & molded with so much dependance on God- I see it recently as not only the best thing for my kids- but also for me & jamie. ...just a thot.
thanks for sharing this info friend! & love the pic of you & scott & the kids!!! your beautiful!