Lucy Van Pelt works hard at being bossy, crabby and selfish. She is loud and yells a lot. Her smiles and motives are rarely pure. She's a know-it-all who dispenses advice whether you want it or not--and for Charlie Brown, there's a charge. She's a fussbudget, in the true sense of the word. She's a real grouch, with only one or two soft spots, and both of them may be Schroeder, who prefers Beethoven. As she sees it, hers is the only way. The absence of logic in her arguments holds a kind of shining lunacy. When it comes to compliments, Lucy only likes receiving them. If she's paying one--or even smiling--she's probably up to something devious.
I am so familiar with this character from growing up. Sometimes you might as well call me Lucy. Now granted, I don't go around calling people Blockheads, but the grouchiness does surface daily. Today, I pray not to be a Lucy. As I seek to guide these children every day, I don't want to appear bossy, crabby or overbearing. I would love for people, especially my family, to see me as an amazing unconditional giver. I pray often for a lighthearted attitude towards life. I think Lucy just has this tough shell, super tough, not at all soft and gentle.
As I live my days, I see that it is easy to harden my heart towards things or people. I grow tired and weary. Ah, to love with the love of Jesus. To have a soft heart that is full of compassion, generosity, and humility. I don't think that Lucy has one ounce of humility within her.
God, help me to capture the spirit of Jesus. I want to continually have that tenderness that is so full of love and a willingness to meet people where they are. Renew my heart. Help me to shake the fussiness that comes with child rearing and homeschooling. May I be a light and not a finger pointer. Amen.
For King & Country Concert
4 months ago
I just love you, Anna Laurel Kirby Morrison! Thanks for your honesty...unfortunatly, we are kindred spirits in this area :-( , but I am confident that GOd has and is changing both of us in all aspects of our lives. I'll be praying for you!
Thanks Anna! I, too, can be a Lucy at times. Just yesterday my 2 year old pointed his finger at me and said something in a stern voice and I thought, "I wonder where he learned to point his finger"... then later that afternoon, to my great dismay I discovered that he learned it from me. I hadn't realized that I had been pointing my finger at him when I was correcting him. It was like someone punched me in the stomach. It is so important to be aware of our attitudes, language, and body language. It is an everyday challenge, but hopefully over time it will become easier over time!
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