One of my new friends here in Durham told me about this store in Raleigh, The Homeschool Gathering Place, that sells homeschooling supplies. I had been needing some specific items to help us carry out our homeschooling here at home. I have to reevaluate what I am doing every once and a while. The kids fly right through some areas of our learning, others they need more manipulatives and such to help explore more. Oh, if you ever want to contribute to the Carolina Academy of Liberal Arts (that is our school name, as registered within our state) fund, I can get you our address. Ha, only kidding.
Scott said he would tag along this past Saturday to check out this place. We were so delighted to finally find the store, as we don't usually travel into Raleigh that much. Yes, we are home bodies. Scott and I chuckled quite a bit as we noticed that there for four to five vans parked outside this store. This was a good sign.
We were overwhelmed as soon as we stepped in. Half of the store was new stuff, the other half was consigned curriculum, books and other materials that people had brought in. Ah, the chance to reuse alone was exciting! Our kids were so patient as we walked around that place for 2 hours. Did I mention it was overwhelming? But it was so wonderful! We did find several things that I had needed and several things that would really aid me as I guide our children in math, science and cursive writing for Julian. I was so excited, like a kid in a candy store. Scott was super sweet throughout the whole experience. He helped me wade through a lot of stuff. He purchased quite a bit for us. I was so thankful. What a treat for me! Yes, when you get to be almost 30 and you have four children you are trying to homeschool, picking out materials to use is quite thrilling!
Thanks Kim!
For King & Country Concert
4 months ago
Hi, Anna. I just found your blog via your CHEAGD email and I am also a friend of Kim Givens. We are also a homeschooling family in Durham. Our blog is I hope to meet you sometime in the near future, but we are taking a break from activities for awhile--we just adopted 2 children from Africa in addition to our 5 biological.
In Christ, Laura
What a treat! That place sounds amazing, and I'm glad you got to get some goodies for school!
Wow! I would've been sooo excited, too!!! :-)
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