I love canvas bags. I enjoy using them when we shop at Whole Foods or Target for whatever groceries or other items we need. It bothers me though when I go to the store and use countless amounts of those smaller plastic bags for fruits and vegetables. Do you know the ones I am referring to? Yes, it is great that I spend so much money on these healthy foods, but the amount of bags used for purchasing those items, weekly, is disturbing.
My husband, Scott, posted an article on his blog about plastic bags. It is interesting. Check it out. At the bottom there was a link to a website called reusablebags.com. On this site, I found some string bags. I think I am going to order some. This would solve my problem concerning the plastic bags I use for the fruits and veggies. In Boone, I remember seeing several people using these, but never knew where to get them. Just thought I would pass this along.
One step at a time, right? Every step counts.
For King & Country Concert
4 months ago
Earthfare is now selling the Chico bags- they are very compact. When they are folded up they can fit in the palm of my hand and they can hold up to 20 lbs. They only cost 5dollars and are much easier to haul around. I can fit however many I need in a larger bag or purse. If you don't have an Earthfare in Raliegh, Wholefoods might sell them...if not, you can definitely order them on the internet.
I do this, too, with my cloth grocery store bags. It's such an easy way to help and feels great. The Target cashiers look at me funny sometimes, but I just smile:) I love it!
Thanks for the earthfare tip kallie!
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