Friday, June 27, 2008

Here Lately (warning: long post)

This week we stayed home quite a bit. It was good at times, whiny at other moments. It is so hot outside in Durham in the daytime. We have to be creative inside and try not to drive one another crazy. For some reason, dress up was a big hit several days in a row.

The blackberry picking was wonderful on Tuesday. I have done a lot with those berries. We had pancakes with them, made jam, ate them alone, and made a cobbler with them. $20 for 20 lbs of berries, not bad.

Wednesday we went to the museum. Our family never gets tired of that place. It was super crowded with summer camps and kids out of school. We met our friends there and had a great time. One of our favorite people that works there, Don, took out the corn snake for the kids to touch. That is always a thrill.

The Tofu Quiche I made that night was so yummy. I had never made a vegan quiche before. I will try to post the recipe. I do have a picture of it. In the same cookbook there was a recipe for the crust. The crust was super easy and turned out great.

I have been loving my clothes line. It is great exercise taking the clothes down from the deck and bending over and such, the kids help sometimes, and it gets me out in the sunshine. I also enjoy the fact that I have been folding them straight off the line. This makes the folding a little more enjoyable for me. I use to just sit my laundry baskets with mounds of clothes in my room till I could get to folding them. Usually I don't get to them until after the kids go to bed. That is when I am tired and really just want to relax.

Our garden is doing well. All our plants are green and growing. We have harvested a small amount of produce this week. I am posting a picture of our first two yellow squash. We have been picking yellow tomatoes and I picked our first green bean yesterday. I believe we'll pick our first zucchini today. Mmm . . . do I sense the need for some yummy zucchini bread. Jen just posted a recipe for a sweet zucchini bread the other day. It is vegan. Check it out.

Again, my meal plan has been a huge help to this little mama. It is really a stress reliever to know what is next. Sure, it is work preparing these meals. I love to cook, so this takes out the anxiety that might arise from lack of creativity or whatnot. Adjusting the plan is always allowed of course. Last night we were going to have brownies, because Scott's folks were staying over. Instead, we decided to use our blackberries and make a cobbler. Brownies . . . Blackberry Cobbler, you can't lose. Earlier today, Scott asks, "Why don't we go out to Weaver Street tonight for supper?" Wanting to stick to my schedule, I hesitated. Then, I was like, are you crazy, Anna??? He wants to go out to eat!! What a treat! It actually is his birthday weekend. It will be a special time, I am sure. We'll save the veggie burger meal for lunch tomorrow or something. It all works out.

This is a picture of Maddie after we took her hair out of curlers a week or so ago.  I never showed the finished product.


Unknown said...

You sound like me with the folding laundry.. I fold like 3-4 loads at a time.

Jennifer said...

Yum, that quiche looks awesome. Can't wait for the recipe. Thanks for sharing your meal plans. It has helped me get a little better organized as well. I'm going to post mine for this week later.

I agree with you about being outside with the laundry. Hanging and folding laundry outside is so nice. It has become a break in my day instead of a hassle. I actually look forward to walking outside, looking around at the birds and garden, then taking my time with the clothes. If the girls want to help that's great, otherwise they don't interrupt my moment:)

love you,

Kallie said...

It looks like you had a really good week. I want to try harder to stay home more. We live in the middle of town, so it is easy to run here or there, but my kids act better when we are just hangin' at home and not being rushed from place to place. I know what you mean about the summer time heat! It's the same here in G-boro. I try to get them out real early in the morning for nature walks and then I have to get creative in the afternoons. The problem is that I haven't been feeling to creative lately, but they find things to do. Maybe you should post some of your creative ideas so that I can be lazy! he.he.