Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Kalen Alexander Turns Four

Isn't it cute that God gave us two children with birthdays right along side one another.  Today, April 8th, Kalen turns four.  He is growing up so fast.  I remember so well, the long day of labor and then finally being able to hold him and put his little blue hat on him.  All our family were there, late that night, to surround that hospital bed as we laid our eyes on our newest addition.  

What a delight he is!  He can melt your heart so quickly.  He is so sweet and caring.  He is full of personality and humor.  He is adventurous and crazy about critters.

We are so thankful for this little guy.  Happy Birthday, Kalenroo!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Kalen!!! What a big boy you are! I love the way you love and care for all those around you, and that you care so much for nature! God has big plans for you, little man! You are precious.

much love,
The Long family

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Kalen! Four years old! Wow. If I were there I would give you a big big bear hug. I hope you're having an awesome day. Hmm, I wonder what Kalen's chosen meals were for today: Breakfast-sauerkraut. Lunch, hummm, ole soggy socks. And for dinner you must try fresh garlic by the clove! Let me know what you really have.
Miss you a bunch,


Donna said...

That is so cool that two of your kids have such close birthdays! I love the video of your little guy bouncing in his crib. How sweet!!