Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Judy & Garrett

For several weeks now, the kids and I have been meeting up with two of our friends for an afternoon at the Museum of Life and Science. We love this museum and we are thrilled to have friends that we can enjoy it alongside of. Judy and Garrett are so friendly and fun to be with. Garrett is Julian's age. They get along well. I always enjoy having adult conversations with Judy amongst the play, and what not, that takes place at the museum. She is so sweet, so good at loving on my kids and helping me out.

I thought I would share a few photos from our afternoon out with our friends.


TS said...

It is nice to have people to talk with that share similar interest.

Unknown said...

That is so great, Anna!! I'm so thankful that the Lord has already brought you and the kids such good friendships. I only wish we were close enough to meet you at that very cool museum!!:)