Monday, May 5, 2008

Brayden Turns Two!

Our youngest little one is turning two today. We are so thankful for this little brown eyed boy. He captured our heart from the very beginning. My, how fast children grow. He seems to be growing and changing daily.

Brayden Kenneth is a charmer, so sweet and huggable. He is dependable and such a good pal. Brady can be fiery. He will be a passionate guy when he gets older. He enjoys being outside and playing with his siblings. He is not afraid of holding critters.

Brady enjoys animals and books. He likes to draw and paint. He can be quite curious and often mischievous. But, he usually is not alone in that.

We all enjoy him so much. He is a delight and so unique. We are so thankful for this little guy.


Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! Wow, two years old. What a big boy. I hope you have a really special day. We are thinking about you here and missing you. Hope to see you soon.


Unknown said...

Oh these pictures are so precious! I love the one of you holding him as a newborn. He is way too cute for his own good!!:)

What a blessing! ...little brown eyed boy.