Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Strawberry Pickin'

I read Jen's blog this morning and was inspired to take the kids strawberry picking.  I had been wanting to go.  Our friend, Griff, that lives here in Durham had told us about a farm in Creedmoor that allows people to come out and pick.  I had the information a week or two ago and had been waiting for the perfect day to do it.  Today was the day.  

We had such a great time.  It was so sweet handing each of my kids a basket or bucket and watching them pick till their hearts were content.  It was a beautiful green field full of strawberries.  

I caught Brayden a couple times just going to town on his basket, face dripping with red juice. Kalen kept calling to me from across the field and showing me how much he had in his basket.  Madelyn and Julian were hard at work.  It is quite productive when you take 5 sets of hands out to pick a bunch of strawberries.  

The sun was bright and warm.  We made such a sweet memory.  Now, the kids are in bed and it's time to wash and put away all these berries.  If you have any great strawberry recipes (vegan or not), please pass them along.  In the mean time, we'll just be wiping our chins from digging in.  


laurie said...

Oh, those look delicious! We too just got info in the mail from the farm we've been to the last few years. seeing your pickin's makes me want to go in the a.m. Yummy muffins are calling your families name!

Chrystal said...

Now that's a load of berries!! What precious pictures of your sweet kids.

TS said...

A recent favorite of Eli and mine is a graham cracker broke into sections, spread some melted white chocolate or dark chocolate, and place some sliced strawberries on top. YUMMY!

Jennifer said...

You can get Pamona's Fruit Pectin at natural food stores and coops. It comes in a box and has a great recipe inside for freezer jams and canned jams using little or no sugar. I love fresh strawberries! We had pancakes with strawberries on top and I love to just through them on top of salads (especially spinach with spinach and balsamic) yum! love you, Jen