Friday, May 30, 2008

Pockin' Chickens

I heard them whispering, plotting, and scurrying about downstairs. Julian says that Kalen said this, "Let's put these on our face and Mom will think we have Pockin' Chickens!"

I laughed and laughed. These kids crack me up.


Unknown said...

I've been MIA all week from "blog-world" - still haven't blogged anything, just checking on my friends. I LOVE all the pictures. What a fun week. Lucy, huh?! She's so cute.

I know exactly how Maddie was feeling. I had the same feeling everytime we had to let our newly found turtle go, as a little girl. I would have mom pull off the side of the road if I saw one, out and about. But we never got to keep it long. She was always great to let me have it for a few days before letting it out by the creek on our land.

Julian's quote is priceless, isn't it?! and the Chicken pox?! that's too funny!! I love those kids:)

laurie said...

OK, that is too stinkin' cute! What silly fun!

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness Anna! This is so wonderful. I have a fantastic memory of doing this to my mom when I was Julian's age... and we still talk about it. Love hearing about the joy in your home!

Anonymous said...

My heart is melted & eager to love today. Thanks for sharing- the notes from Mads, the video, the turtle. Your doing it Anna. Your doing a super job. Keep going friend, keep shining & laughing & embracing LIFE. your pal, mandy