Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sweet Strawberry Jam

If you were to ask me to make a list of the things that I wanted to do before I die, canning would be one of them.  I have always wanted to do it, but felt intimidated by the thought of the process.  I am proud to say that I am the owner of 8 large jars full of homemade Strawberry Jam!

It was much easier than I expected.  Of course, the children were all tucked away.  I was not confident enough to try it with all hands on deck.  Scott was busy working on an article review and preparing his lesson for tonight.  I had the whole kitchen to myself.  I put on my handy apron and I got to work.  

It really helped to have already cut and washed the fruit.  I started the whole process by mashing the strawberries, boiling my lids and rings and allowing my jars to take a little bath in my sink with some hot water.  I followed the detailed directions that I received in my Pomona's Universal Pectin box.  I measured out sugar and pectin, added it to my pot of boiling strawberries mixture that had calcium water in it, and stirred vigorously (hey, I just used one of Julian's vocabulary words for this week).  Once the strawberry mixture came to a boil again, I took it off the heat and filled my jars.  After all the jars are full, then I put them in boiling water for 5 minutes.  That's it!  I was so proud of myself.  It sure was a sweet reward to have our homemade jam on a bagel this morning.  Yum!!  I hope to do this again and again.


TS said...

ME TOO! I tell Judy and Grandma that I want to learn. I believe things like this are a dying tradition. No one "cans" anymore. With the prices of groceries we need to learn.

Great job!! ~ If you have a Big Lots nearby they sell the Mason jars cheap!


Jennifer said...

Glad it worked so well for you. I, of course, forgot to add the calcium water to my fruit and it turned out to be strawberry "sauce" instead of jam. Ha! I still have the calcium water in the fridge so I can make another batch...maybe next time it will actually be jam! I plan on doing lots of canning this summer. I'll let you know how it goes.
love you,

Unknown said...

that is great, Anna!!

I agree with Torie - it's such a shame that it is a dying art. Maybe our generation can bring it back?!!!

I don't do any canning yet, but have aspirations to one of these days....hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.

Now that Jenny is home it's something fun we can do together and even get the girls in on it once they're older.

Thanks, Anna!!